Weekly Gem #24 A place to find love, beauty, hope, and compassion
Published 5/30/2015
Location: This 'hidden gem' is inside Grace Cathedral, in San Francisco, California, near the top of Nob Hill (see Clue Me! beta map ). While the people behind this chapel were focused on AIDS, they managed to broadly convey the value of inclusion, support, and compassion, for every person .
Here's the hidden gem entry from our Clue Me! map.
A place to find love, beauty, hope, and compassion.
The Interfaith AIDS Memorial Chapel in Grace Cathedral
Why It's Interesting
This perfectly lovely chapel in Grace Cathedral embraces believers of all faiths - and even nonbelievers. Inside is a beautiful triptych by artist Keith Haring. Haring (1958-1990) spontaneously carved into clay with a knife, and surprised by the results of his own efforts, he looked at the finished piece and said, "Man, this is heavy." The feeling of tolerance in this place is palpable.