Weekly Gem #7 Mr. Monk Goes to the Library of Congress
Published 1/24/2015
Location: This 'hidden gem' is southeast of the Capital Building in Washington, DC (see Clue Me! map ). Yes, there is a flaw. Anyone can see it in passing, but only detective Adrian Monk and a few like-minded individuals would ever notice. Perhaps that says something about the author of this particular post.
As noted by the person who placed this on our map, it also says something about the quality of the work that went into placing these posts.
Here's the entry from our Clue Me! map.
Mr. Monk Goes to the Library of Congress
Touch ... touch ... touch ... touch ... .... ..... tilt. If you've watched Monk and you look carefully you'll understand.
Why It's Interesting
The posts are perfectly aligned, save for the 5th in line, which is slightly askew. While poor Mr. Monk would be twitching at the slight aberration, it also serves to highlight the perfection and care and pride with which some people did their work.