Photo of the oculus of the Boise, Idaho, State Capitol Building

Weekly Gem #190 The Ayes Have It

Published 3/30/2019

Location: This hidden gem is located inside the Idaho State Capitol Building, in Boise, ID (see the Clue Me! Map). The dome's gorgeous oculus looks down upon visitors and legislators, like a starry blue eye. The building is called "The Capitol of Light," because the architect used light shafts, skylights (which you can see in the dome) and the reflection of light off marble surfaces to illuminate the interior. He imagined the light as a metaphor for "an enlightened and moral state government."

The Idaho legislature authorized construction of a capitol building in 1905. Since then many laws that are perfectly suited for Idaho have been passed:

*The Mountain bluebird became the state bird.

*The huckleberry became the state fruit.

*The star garnet became the state gem.

*If you drive too slowly in the left lane, you can be cited (certainly appropriate, considering the loooonng distances you may need to cover).

Other cases where the ayes have “had it.”

*It is illegal for a person to give someone a box of candy weighing more than 50 pounds. They obviously hadn’t been exposed to See’s chocolates!

*One may NOT fish from a camel's back.

*Fishing from a giraffe's back is also a Nay!

*In Pocatello, a person mustn't be seen in public without a smile on their face.

*Riding a merry-go-round on any given Sunday is considered a crime.

*Selling any "Idaho Deluxe" potato with rot, blemishes, or sun damage can get you sent to jail for six months. No defective eyes are allowed on these potatoes!


Here's the hidden gem entry from our Clue Me! map.


Look to the cosmos


The stars on the ceiling in the dome of Idaho's State Capitol

Why It's Interesting

The 13 large stars painted on the ceiling of Idaho's State Capitol represent the 13 colonies of the United States of America. There are 43 smaller stars because Idaho was the 43rd state to enter the Union. 

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