Weekly Gem #217 Designer Cell Phone Tower
Published 12/8/2019
Location: This Weekly Gem is located just downstream from the old Kirby Place, about 30 miles south of Ennis, Montana (see the Clue Me! Map).
Here you will find blue ribbon trout streams, a blue sky that doesn’t quit, and (thankfully) no cell coverage. A place to truly get away from it all!
Well, that was before this majestic Ponderosa Pine grew, seemingly overnight. If you look at the top, you’ll see the communications components of the cell tower growing from the top of the ‘tree.’
Modern life may be encroaching, but you will always get (a) great reception, just downstream from the old Kirby Place.
Here's the hidden gem entry from our Clue Me! map.
Look for a cellulose tower
A cell tower shaped like a tree
Why It's Interesting
The people who live here, live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. If they had to put up a cell tower, they did it right by making it blend in with the surroundings.