Skooblevart’s Pickpocket Repellent
This series of posts is for everyone who loves to travel now and again. Seeing sites, shopping, eating, being entertained, or just people watching. Especially for those of us who scrimp and save in order to travel, and don’t have wads of extra cash when that in our pocket runs out … or disappears into thin air.
Like it or not, we non-natives are obvious to the locals. We’re the ones with “Pick Me!” emblazoned on our pockets and purses. Just about every vacation destination you can imagine, pickpockets are watching to see whose cash, cards, passports, and mobile devices (containing passwords, credit cards, and a raft of personal information) they will take home tonight.
Like obnoxious mosquitoes, lurking in the musty weeds, hovering until the right moment, and then …. Nope! That guy's repellent stinks!!!
Yes, indeed, we have Skooblevart's pickpocket repellent. All-natural, chemical-free. Easily prepared by anyone, anywhere. It doesn’t work for mosquitoes or other insect pests, but does a pretty good job diverting pickpockets.
Beginning next week, and for the next several, we’ll share an ingredient per week. Each one is useful by itself, but to really be potent, you’ll need to mix them all together and slather them on thick.
Until then, happy trails.