Photo of The Peace Torch displayed inside Madal Cafe, Budapest, Hungary

Weekly Gem #3 When the power of love replaces the love of power

Published 12/21/2014

Updated 12/16/19  Location: This hidden gem is near the intersection of Hollán Ernő and Szent István in Budapest, Hungary ( The Clue Me! Map). Sri Chinmoy had a pretty simple goal. Peace. His vision to help accomplish this goal was to have an biennial "Peace Run."  

Since 1987, a torch has been lit, and "passed from hand to hand, from person to person, from nation to nation." This torch is mostly carried by regular people ... you need not be an athlete, just able to run for a short distance. In total, over 7 million people have had a torch in their hands during one of these runs, and the torches have traveled over 370,000 miles.  

"World peace can be achieved when the power of love replaces the love of power"

~~ Sri Chinmoy, 1931 - 2007


Here's the hidden gem entry from our Clue Me! map.


If you want to watch the entire relay, which lasts for several months, you may need some help staying awake. Maybe grab a coffee...


The Peace Torch displayed inside Madal Cafe was carried by runners from Portugal to Vienna in the 2012 Peace Run.

Why It's Interesting

The cafe was established in honor of the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy, whose childhood name was Madal. The run and the torch were symbols of international friendship, and Sri Chinmoy spent his life promoting love, spiritual growth, and kindness. There are also a variety of coffees (and a few other beverages and treats) to try.

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